It is the Danish newspaper that originally printed 12 satirical
cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005 that sparked protests in parts
of the Islamic world. The paper received death threats.

The spokeswoman stressed however that teachers would be free to
choose whether or not to show the cartoons themselves, as long as the
topic was discussed.

But she added that if teachers refused to show the cartoons she was
“convinced the students would go home and run a Google search because
students are curious.”
The Conservatives were shown as having 5.3 percent of voter support
in a poll this week, meaning it would be the second smallest party in
parliament if elections were held today.
- But the anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party (DPP), which was ranked third with 19.6 percent support by the same poll, went even further, saying that showing the cartoons should be mandatory in schools.
Source: AFP
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