Rhino biologists regard the species as functionally extinct in all of Borneo as the few individuals remaining are insufficient to provide hope of survival of the species.
Over the last 30 years, more Sumatran rhinos have died than have been born, both in the wild and in captivity.

Except for one which was already pregnant when captured, none bred while in captivity, and all have since died.

What remain of the Malaysian population are a male named Tam and two females named Puntung and Iman.
Captured from the wild in Sabah from 2008 to 2014, the trio currently resides in the Borneo Rhino Sanctuary (BRS) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, under the care of Borneo Rhino Alliance (BORA), a non-governmental

Unfortunately, both Puntung and Iman have severe reproductive tract pathology, possibly due to having gone un-bred in the wild for a long time.
However, both are still producing oocytes, which are cells that form eggs which then can be fertilised by sperm.
- Rather than throwing in the towel and abandoning the species to extinction, Sabah Wildlife Department and BORA with its donor Sime Darby Foundation are collaborating with Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Germany and professor Cesare Galli and his wife of Avantea laboratories in Italy to produce Sumatran rhino embryos in the laboratory using Advanced Reproductive Techniques (ART).
- It appears that ART represents the best chance of growing the captive population of Sumatran rhinos.
- According to Datuk Dr Junaidi Payne, BORA's Executive Director, all remaining Sumatran rhinos should be brought together in two or three closely-managed captive care facilities, where the use of their gametes can be maximised.
- "At BRS, we are racing against time to harvest gametes from the rhinos here for use in in-vitro fertilisation, as well as preserving frozen gametes and stem cell lines within the 2014-2017 window," he said.
- "The programme which we are pursuing for this period requires a few millions of ringgit to run, with Sime Darby Foundation being the primary financial supporter, while the specialist veterinary team from IZW with associated colleagues from Avantea laboratories, Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute and San Diego Frozen Zoo are providing Sabah with the necessary ART expertise," he added.

"With the species on the brink of extinction, SWD is committed to support a global Sumatran rhino captive breeding programme using ART as it is the best chance we have to save this species. We are ready in principle to support Indonesia if requested".
With time clearly running out, it is paramount that remaining wild rhinos are captured for ART as maximising births in captivity seems to now be the only viable way
to save this 20 million-year-old mammal species
from extinction.
Source: Agency
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