The cover of the latest issue due out Wednesday depicts the Pope, a
jihadist, former president Nicolas Sarkozy and far-right politician
Marine Le Pen as a pack of enraged animals chasing after a dog with a
copy of Charlie Hebdo clamped in its jaws.
“We’re back!” reads the headline.

“We needed a break, a rest… There were those who needed to work again
straight away, like me, and those who wanted to take more time,” says
Gerard Biard, the paper’s new chief editor.
“So we reached a compromise, and agreed on February 25… to start off again on a weekly basis.”
Charlie Hebdo has a long history of courting controversy by lampooning political and religious figures of all stripes.
The Kouachi brothers who carried out the January 7 attack said they
were taking revenge for the weekly’s depictions of Prophet Mohammed —
considered blasphemous in Islam.

“Je Suis Charlie” was the slogan taken up around the world to express solidarity with the weekly.

But the January 14 cartoon once again stirred anger, triggering violent protests in several Muslim countries.
A print run of 2.5 million is planned for the new edition.
Source: Agency, USA Today
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