The U.N. Assistance Mission in Iraq, known as UNAMI, put the number
of civilians killed at 790, while identifying the rest as security
forces members. It said at least 1,469 civilians and 771 security forces
members were wounded.

According to UNAMI figures, last year was the deadliest in Iraq since
2006-2007, with a total of 12,282 people killed and 23,126 wounded.
However, the U.N. says its numbers “have to be considered as the
absolute minimum” as they do not include territories held by the Islamic
State group, which is about a third of
Iraq, and of those who lost
their lives due to “secondary effects of violence … (like) exposure to
the elements, lack of water, food, medicines and health care.”

The Islamic State extremist group and other Sunni insurgents have
seized control of wide areas in western and northern Iraq. The
militants’ offensive has thrown Iraq in its worst crisis since the
withdrawal of U.S. troops.
Sources: – AP, Agencies
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