The whales beached themselves on yesterday at Farewell Spit at the
northern tip of the South Island, with dozens of rescuers racing to
re-float the marine mammals on the evening high tide.
But Department of Conservation (DOC) spokesman Andrew Lamason said
the whales had swam aground again overnight after being shepherded out
to deep water.
“There’s about 150 volunteers trying to make them as comfortable as
possible, they’re putting sheets on them and water over them.
“But we’re preparing ourselves for a pretty bad outcome, each time they re-strand their health goes down quite dramatically.”
Lamason said the incident was distressing for all involved.
“There’s a lot of young ones out there that have already passed away.
It’s been quite an emotional time for our staff.
- “The whales also go through a lot of physical and emotional trauma,” he said.
- He said another attempt at refloating would be made at high tide late Saturday, but if that failed then euthanasia would be discussed.
- Farewell Spit beach, about 150 kilometres (95 miles) west of the tourist town of Nelson, has been the scene of mass pilot whale strandings in the past.
- There have been at least eight in the past decade, including two within the space of a week in January last year, although the latest stranding is one of the largest.

“It could be that some of the pods are sick and that brings them up onto the beach, we don’t really know.”
Pilot whales grow up to six metres (20 feet) long and are the most common species of whale in New Zealand waters.
Source:- AFP
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