An Iranian naval vessel fires a missile during exercises in the Strait of Hormuz.

Mousavi, the Deputy Commander of Iran's Navy, added on Sunday that although the missiles were initially scheduled to be test fired in the power phase of the drill the schedule has changed.
The Iranian commander had announced to reporters on Saturday that the Navy would fire various long and short-range surface-to-sea, surface-to-surface, and surface-to-air missiles on the first day of the power phase.
Iran's Navy launched the massive 10-day Velayat 90 naval drill on December 24, over an area covering from the east of the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Aden.
- The tactical phase of the maneuvers commenced on Tuesday, after the first stage of the exercise ended successfully, and continued until Friday night.
- On Friday, naval forces performed special heliborne operations, conducted free-fall parachute jumps from SH helicopters, and fired shoulder-launched missiles at mock enemy positions.

Iran says that the drills are defensive in nature and intended to convey a message of peace and friendship to the countries in the region.
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