The new rules barring people who have been convicted in court from even being a member of a political party are clearly aimed at ensuring that not only is the much-feared iconic figure Aung San Suu Kyi
- totally put out of action, but also that opposition parties in general will be crippled. About 2,000 dissidents are currently in prison, and thousands more have been released but are apparently now barred forever from participating in politics. This will neatly ensure the perpetual survival of the one-party system.
- Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the NLD, now has the Hobson’s choice of either sacking their leader or itself being disqualified from having any role in the political process, including the election.
- This reveals the stark and deeply disturbing fact that, despite all the carrots and sticks applied, with particular intensity in the last year or two, the Burmese regime has absolutely no intention of softening its resistance to moving towards democracy.
- ASEAN has most to lose, since it is collectively shunned and punished as a result of Burma’s recalcitrance. It should, therefore, naturally spearhead redoubled efforts to push Burma into line. One important initiative should be to ensure that the generals themselves also feel the bite of sanctions imposed on Burma, rather than continuing to do covert, and very lucrative, business with them.
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