Three Swedish newspapers yesterday published a cartoon insulting the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
The controversial drawing, which many Muslims describe as provocative, came after the Irish authorities announced yesterday it uncovered a plot to kill the Swedish artist, Lars Vilks, who created the published cartoon.
Source: Gulf News
- While many Muslims believe these drawings should not be given importance, others describe the continuous publications as part of a smear campaign against Islam and Muslims, particularly after 9/11 attacks.
- "We are against offence, insult or provocation to any and to all religions, including Islam," said Issasm Shanti, Director of media Affairs at the Jeddah-based Organisation of Islamic Countries. "Freedoms of people end with the beginning of others' freedoms," he told Gulf News.
- Both Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Expressen newspapers said they printed the drawings as part of its news coverage of the alleged plot, or for its news value and to take a stance for the freedom of speech.
- Vilks has faced several death threats since the drawing was first printed by a Swedish newspaper in 2007, a year after separate cartoons of the Prophet (PBUH) in a Danish newspaper sparked furious protests in Muslim nations.
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