Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa was a murder victim who was either murdered by C-4 explosives or was somehow killed first and her remains destroyed with C-4 on October 18, 2006 in a deserted area in Shah Alam, Malaysia near Kuala Lumpur.

On Monday, Free Malaysia Today reported that French police investigation papers showed that a “Altantuya Shaariibuu” never entered France from 1999 to 2006.
- This was revealed in confidential investigative documents submitted to the French judicial inquiry which is looking into alleged kickbacks in the Scorpene submarine deal between French firm DCNS and the Malaysian government.
- The confidential documents also revealed that DCNS officials had also informed French police that they never met a person named Altantuya and do not know who she is in the course of their negotiations for the Scorpene deal.
- The DCNS officials had also informed the French police that the negotiations for the submarines were done in Malaysia and not in France.
- One official – DCNS’ former sales manager to Malaysia Fredric Faura – told the French investigators the negotiations were in English and not in French, so there is no need for an interpreter.
- Furthermore, Altantuya did not speak French so she could not have acted as an English-French interpreter.

Suaram claims that DCNS had paid bribery amounting to 114 million euros to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, with help from Altantuya, who was later gruesomely murdered for allegedly asking a part of the bribe.
Source: FMT..Read for more details
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