An urgent hunt is underway for the new killer who killed his first victim with a shot to the body, while his next three targets died from a bullet to the head.
- Police said the new killer has used the same 7.65mm handgun each time having carried out the four killings in the space of six months.
- District prosecutor Marie-Suzanne Le Queau said that witnesses had also seen a man ‘staking out’ the building where the latest killing took place today.
- A neighbour of the latest victim, said: ‘There were at least four loud bangs and then terrible screaming. There were people standing around saying “He killed her – he killed her”.
- ‘The man was tall, and he was white. After the shootings he leapt on to the moped and drove off at high speed.’
- The killings have drawn instant comparisons with murders carried out by Toulouse Al-Qaeda fanatic Merah. He shot seven people dead before he was shot himself by marksmen.
- The latest victim of the new killer was a 47-year-old mother who was killed yesterday outside her home in the suburb of Grigny.
- The murderer, who was wearing a crash-helmet, then made his escape.
- In at least two of the previous shootings between November and April - all in the same southern Paris district - the killer had also fled on a bike.

He died in a hail of gunfire while leaping from a window after a 32-hour siege at his flat.
Interior minister Claude Gueant said today: 'This series of killings is worthy of our attention and we have put all our energies into the investigation.'
The first victim was a young woman shot as she was parking her car outside her flat in the suburb of Juvisy-sur-Orge on November 27.
- That murdered woman’s neighbour was then shot and killed in the street on February 22.
- An 81-year-old man was killed as he entered his apartment block in the nearby suburb of Ris-Orangis on March 17.
- Then a 47-year-old mother was shot in Grigny yesterday.
- Asked if he believed the killings were linked, Mr Gueant replied today: 'Yes, this is a concern.'
- Mr Gueant also said in a separate interview that Islamist groups in France may now be plotting to to seek revenge for the death of Merah.
- He told Europe 1 radio: 'We have noticed a renewed enthusiasm and a desire to avenge the death of Mohammed Merah.
- 'Some radical Muslims may follow in his footsteps and try to become a martyr. We have to be vigilant.'

A Paris police spokesman added today that they did not yet have any ‘political or religious profile’ of the person responsible for the latest spate of shootings.
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