Turkish charms against evil eye or what is commonly known as ‘nazar' in India is one of the fastest selling items in the protective and lucky charm segment at the fair, which runs until next Saturday.
Others trading well at the fair are the good old ‘good luck coins' and the ‘good luck chillies' from Hong Kong and Thailand, which have debuted in the fair this year.
"Evil eye is a speciality item of Turkey. It is a protective item and we are seeing very good sales of it this year," Tillo, a Turkish goods merchant at the IITF, told IANS.
- Turks believe the glass evil eye protects them from any evil or negative gaze. Even the tail-wings of aircrafts in the country are painted with the evil eye sign.
- "In our country, it's an intrinsic belief that if you are doing good, sometime people get jealous of your success and cast an evil gaze at you. At that time, evil eye protects you," Tillo said.
- "If someone gives you a curse gaze, the evil eye will break and that means you have been saved," he explained.
In India, the concept is known as ‘nazar', or ‘drishtidosham' and the evil gaze is generally removed by a ritual.
- "This is the first time I am buying this. I bought four pendants for my family to protect them from any negativity," said Urwashi Nath, a housewife from Delhi.
- The evil eye or ‘nazar boncugu' in Turkish, has been a popular item ever since it was first introduced at the IITF four years ago.
This is the first time the good luck chillies have been introduced at the trade fair. A feng shui item, it is a common sight at homes in Southeast Asia.
- "People are very excited to see these chillies and we have sold a lot of them. People are even buying it for gifting purpose," Carolina added. Even the evergreen good luck gold coins are getting good business.
"These coins bring in luck, wealth, prosperity to the one who owns them. They are known to increase your wealth and are also in a lot of demand," Carolina said.
- Monish Singh, a student, said: "I bought the coins for my parents and myself as I think they will bring luck and wealth. I will also gift some to my friends as we are having our board exams this year."
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