South Asia faces the highest burden of hunger, where as many
as 281 million people lack sufficient food, U.N. agencies said.

This report made by three U.N. agencies claims that number
is a reduction of 167 million people over the last 10 years.
Only 72 of the world's 129 developing countries, 56 percent,
met the MDG of reducing the proportion of hungry people by half in the last 15
years, said the report, "State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015".

Poor governance, violent conflicts and protracted crises are
holding back many African nations. In 1990, 12 countries across the continent
were facing food crises.
- Twenty years later the number has risen to 24, including 19 that have been in crisis for more than eight of the previous 10 years.
- The regions that made the most progress include:
- South America, where less than 5 percent of the population faces hunger today, a reduction of more than 50 percent since 1990.
- Central Asia, South East Asia and parts of North Africa also showed significant progress, said the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and other Rome-based U.N. agencies.
- Economic growth alone often isn't enough to end hunger, instead governments should focus on "inclusive growth", the report recommends.
- Support for the poor through social investments, such as cash transfer programmes, employment projects, food distribution schemes, healthcare and education helped successful countries reduce the number of hungry residents, U.N. agencies said.
- Strong harvests in much of the world, coupled with reduced oil prices, mean that global food costs are nearing a five-year low.

In the developed countries, some 15 million people also
suffer from hunger. The next 10 years will be fundamental for eradicating hunge,
the report said.
Source: Agencies
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