Tuesday, April 28, 2015


DUBAI,United Arab Emirates -  The world has become wealthier, but at the same time more unequal today than at any other point since the Second World War some 75 years ago.
The gender gap, across the globe, is still wide, even in industrialized and developed nations. Women need to work more than men, but are still earning 24 per cent less than men, a UN report, which was released on Sunday, said
Global gender equality, Finland is leading the pack. Clinching the World Economic Fund's number one spot for gender equality in the Global Gender Gap report five years in a row (followed closely by Norway and Sweden), the European country continues to teach the world by example.
Unfortunately, many countries have yet to take notice. For example, in Bangladesh 80 percent of women have low-paying jobs, double the 40 percent of men in the same category.
Women in Saudi Arabia and Vatican City remain ineligible to vote—unlike their male counterparts—although a 2011 decree will hopefully allow Saudi women to vote for the first time in 2015.
And if you're a woman going to court in Yemen, you better bring a friend: Women aren't considered whole witnesses in the legal system and require the backing of a man or additional person. 
Oh, and don't even think about testifying about theft, libel, sodomy or adultery—those are off-limit topics for women.
Despite systemic international inequality gaining access to healthcare, education, high-paying jobs and personal safety, many potentially meaningful policies remain stagnant.
However, equality, experts say, is a very complex issue bigger than just a gap in numbers. 
To achieve equality, lots of efforts are needed as the existing system is a “system of inequality across the board”, they added.

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