Monday, April 27, 2015


Malaysian Road Transport Department(JPJ) Director-General Datuk Seri Ismail Ahmad said, an average of 18 people die every day in road accidents nationwide according to 2014 statistics.
During the same period an average of 1,330 accidents were recorded daily, Ismail Ahmad said.
"JPJ is facing is a huge challenge to reduce these figures, especially with almost 1.5 million new cars being registered annually," he said, adding that there were 600,000 new drivers registered in 2014.
He stressed that in the England, a country with a population of 60 million people, only 800 people were killed in road accidents annually.
He said during the national-level JPJ Day celebrations in Johore bahru, the task of reducing road accidents should be a concerted one and not just involve JPJ and the police.
Ismail stressed that among the JPJ's initiatives to help reduce road accidents included having early education targeting primary and secondary schools, revamping the syllabus for new drivers and having young JPJ squad members nationwide.

Source: The Star

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