The unarmed aircraft took off from Guam on Monday and the flight was previously scheduled as part of a routine exercise in the area, a Department of Defence spokesman said on Tuesday.
- "Last night we conducted a training exercise that was long-planned. It involved two aircraft flying from Guam and returning to Guam," said Colonel Steven Warren, a spokesman for the department.
- No flight plan was submitted beforehand to the Chinese and the mission went ahead "without incident", with the two aircraft spending "less than an hour" in the unilaterally-declared Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ), he said.
- An anonymous official told the AFP news agency that the planes were B-52 bombers - the largest aircraft in the US military's arsenal.
- China last week announced the expanded air defence zone amid a growing territorial dispute with Japan over an island chain in the East China Sea.

Japan, the United States and several other governments have criticised China's announced air defense zone.
Source: CNN...More...
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