Thursday, October 6, 2011


KARACHI, Pakistan - Pakistani experts say most of American diplomats traveling across Pakistan without legal documents are agents of the US intelligence agency, the CIA, which they say is trying to destabilize the South Asian country.
According to report, violence in the northwest of the country has decreased after the government limited the movements of the Pakistan-based US officials.
  • When these American diplomats are concerned, when they were moving freely, we saw a deadly increase in terrorism across the country, said Shaukat Ali, from the University of Peshawar.
  • According to Ali, after limiting their activities by the government of Pakistan, we saw a significant decrease in terror and violence. Therefore, it indicates that actually these people (US diplomats) are behind these activities.
  • The CIA has “sourced out” security in Iraq and Afghanistan and now its agents are doing the same in Pakistan, said Mahmoud Shah, a Pakistani defense analyst.
In June, Pakistani government imposed travel restrictions on the US diplomats in the country several months after a CIA contractor, identified as Reymond Davis, killed two locals in Pakistan's southern city of Lahore.
The analysts said, prior to the restrictions, the northwestern region, especially the city of Peshawar, witnessed a higher frequency of bombings and terror attacks.
Source: Agency

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