Thursday, October 6, 2011


NEW YORK, U.S.A. - From New York City to Los Angeles, Denver Colorado, North Carolina and Washington, “Occupy Wall Street" protests are spreading across the US. Critics say this could happen if the movement is able to produce a focused agenda and get organized.

Demonstrators say their fight against corporate greed has just begun. A march is planned for Thursday in Washington DC at Freedom Plaza.
Demonstrations are expected to continue throughout the week as more groups hold organizational meetings and air their concerns on websites and through streaming video.
  • In Manhattan on Monday, hundreds of protesters dressed as corporate zombies in white face paint lurched past the New York Stock Exchange clutching fistfuls of fake money. In Chicago, demonstrators pounded drums in the city's financial district. Others pitched tents or waved protest signs at passing cars in Boston, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo., and Los Angeles.
According to report, the protesters are sending a loud message to Washington politicians about the state of the country, “With the bad name that Wall Street has in this country and the fact that the Obama administration hasn't done much to prosecute these people for violation of laws.”
The Occupy Wall street movement began on September 17 in the financial district of New York City in protest to a number of issues including the wars in the Middle East, student debt and high bonuses for Wall Street executives.
Source: Agency

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