Sunday, October 2, 2011


LISBON, Portugal - Thousands of protesters have demonstrated in Portugal against the adopted austerity measures and declining living standards linked to the country's massive bailout. The marches would prove to be “a great day in Portuguese workers' struggle against government policies that border on the inhuman,” the The country's largest trade union confederation, the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers (CGTP) said.
  • The CGTP organized the rally in the capital city, Lisbon and the second largest city of Porto on Saturday, AP reported.
  • Portugal had to ask for a 78 billion euro (USD 106 billion) bailout earlier this year to avoid bankruptcy. In return, it has agreed to adopt a raft of austerity measures, which according to the protesters would hurt the ordinary citizen hardest.
According to a Aisa Joao, a nurse, the measures taken by the government and by the troika (referring to officials from the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission) always punish the same people and make things better for big companies and the employer.
Another protester said during the demonstration in Lisbon is to show their indignation and fight for a decent life.
Source: Agency

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