Sunday, October 2, 2011


LONDON, U.K. - Aar Maanta is a British-Somali singer. He moved to the UK in the late 1980's because of the civil war in Somalia. Aar is still waiting for his visa and he says it's not just the U.S. Even travelling in and out of Britain with a British passport he says he is stopped.
It's not just Aar, rights groups say that increasingly stringent checks since 9/11 has led to more and more Muslims being discriminated against.

He sings in his native tongue about topics inspired by the struggle of Somali people and problems they face.This song released over a year ago criticizes what Aar Maantha sees as discrimination faced by Muslims while travelling. An issue that today he is all too familiar with.

Massoud Shajare of the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London says it is widespread. It seems for now many Muslims will continue to feel discriminated against.
We tried unsuccessfully to contact the U-S embassy in London for comment on Aar Maantha's allegations.
Source: PressTV

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