Sunday, April 10, 2011


Injured people are carried out of a shopping mall after a shooting in Alphen aan den Rijn, 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of Amsterdam.
- Six people were killed and eleven were wounded, some seriously, in a shootout in a shopping center in the Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn, said today the council of the town in the southwestern Netherlands.
According to eyewitnesses quoted by public television NOS , a man armed with a machine gun fired on several people in the mall and then shot himself in the head.
  • A gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon at a shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least six people dead and wounding 16 others, Dutch officials said.
  • The city government of Alphen aan den Rijn announced the death toll in the shooting at the Ridderhof mall on its Twitter account. The suburb is less than 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of Amsterdam.
  • A witness identified as Maart Verbeek told state broadcaster NOS the attacker had a machine gun and that he had seen at least five people he believed were killed and numerous more wounded.
  • “There was a panic in the mall, a lot of people running,” said Verbeek, a pet shop owner. “I see the attacker coming, walking, and I go inside the store and I see him going by with a big machine gun.”
  • Dutch broadcaster NOS cited witnesses as saying the man later shot himself in the head with a second weapon, a pistol, and is one of the four fatal victims. Police could not immediately be reached to confirm that or comment on the incident.
  • “At this moment we can confirm that there are 16 wounded and four dead,” the city said on its Twitter account. It specified that there was only one shooter.
The shooter was described as being about 25 years old and wearing a leather jacket and camouflage pants.
Source: Agencies

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