Friday, January 21, 2011


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - A British woman and her lover were arrested in Dubai after they were allegedly caught in bed by his ex-girlfriend.
Danielle Spencer, 25, is said to have been caught with Toby Carroll in his apartment, a day after he split from his 24-year-old Brazilian girlfriend.
  • Carroll’s spurned girlfriend, who has been named only as Priscilla, burst in on the pair and threatened them at knifepoint, sources claim.
  • Spencer is said to have locked herself in the bathroom and Carroll called police, the Daily Mail reported here. All three were arrested in December.
  • It emerged Wednesday that the two women have been forced to share the same cell – the only one for women – as they await trial.
  • Carroll, a property analyst from New Zealand, and Spencer are facing charges of having sex outside marriage and behaving indecently, while the Brazilian girl faces charges of violence and criminal damage.
  • “When officers arrived they came across a bizarre scene. The trio were shouting at each other and all hell was breaking loose,” a police source was quoted as saying.
  • Spencer is understood to have studied at Dubai university and to have worked in the property market there since 2005.
  • Attracting a million British tourists each year, the Gulf state tends to be a little more lenient towards westerners than many Arab states. However, officials have prosecuted British tourists for indecent behaviour in the recent past.
Last year, estate agent Charlotte Adams and Ayman Najafi were jailed for a month by a Dubai court for kissing and fondling in a burger restaurant – a breach of decency laws.
The pair, from North London, always maintained the embrace was no more than a “peck on the cheek”.
Source: The Agency

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