Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Peru is on track to become the world's largest producer of cocaine by 2011, a drugs expert has said. Drug production in Peru could rise sharply if US attempts to stem the growing of coca in Colombia
  • The number one cultivator of the source of cocaine, prove successful, Javier Antezana, a security and drugs analyst, said on Monday.
  • "Peru could become the largest producer, not just of coca, but of cocaine in the next three years. The eradication efforts in Colombia would prompt farmers in Peru and Bolivia to plant more coca" Antezana said.
  • According to the United Nations,Colombiain had a 18 per cent drop in coca plantations, while in Peru there was an increase by between four and five per cent. This is a tendency that could keep going up during 2009 until in 2011, Peru would become a country with 70 to 75,000 hectares of coca plantations.
  • In addition, the UN Office office on Drugs and Crime said, Peruvian cultivation of coca, the base product for cocaine has been increasing since 1999. This includes a 4.5 per cent rise last year.
  • Source: Agencies

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