Sunday, July 5, 2009


Incumbent Indonesia president and presidential candidate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is facing, yet another 'adversary', apart from a challenge by a vice-president and a former president in the run-up to the presidential elections on July 8.
  • He claims that black magic is being dabbled by his enemies to derail his efforts for a second five-year term in office, ending 2014.
  • "This is an election season. Many are practising black magic. Indeed, my family and I can sense its effects.
  • "It's extraordinary. Many methods (of black magic) are being used," he told 3,000 participants of a prayer gathering at his private residence in Cikeas, Bogor.
  • He said he chanted prayers as a means to protect himself against black magic attacks from his challengers.
  • "I have come to the conclusion that only prayers can defeat black magic attacks. For instance, last night (Friday night), I kept praying all the way to the venue of the debate (the third and final round of presidential debates), along with my wife, aides and driver," he was quoted by Antara news agency on Saturday.
  • "I also ask you to pray so that the election will remain free of slander, black campaigns, violence and other kinds of foul play," said the incumbent president who is being challenged by vice-president Jusuf Kalla and former president Megawati Soekarnoputri in the direct presidential election, involving 175 million registered voters.
  • Susilo also asked them to pray so that all sides would accept whatever the outcome of the election, especially for those who had lost so that they would not turn to anarchy.
Source: BERNAMA, Antara news agency

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