Sunday, July 5, 2009


It's hard to believe that in an idyllic setting house in the camps in northern Albania, is the centre of the most grotesque crimes of the Kosovan war.
  • It is alleged, that Kosovan fighters kidnapped Serbs during the Kosovo war, removed their organs in Albania and sold them in the black market .
  • The sources said that some of these prisoners had been taken to the farmhouse, which had been turned into a makeshift operating theatre. Their organs were removed, and then carried to an airport near Tirana, to be flown out of the country.
  • Meanwhile, the terrified prisoners confined inside the shack until they are killed later for their vital organs.
  • The story would probably have been forgotten without Former U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte memoirs entitled "The Hunt" that her team had investigated reports that around 300 Serbians held in Albania had had organs removed, apparently for trafficking.
  • The Serbian War Crimes Prosecution has so far identified 10 members of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) suspected of killing kidnapped Serb civilians. Those suspects identified, prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekarić said in Belgrade on 25th Wednesday , are linked with the case of decapitated soldiers, “which has been publicized by the news media”.
  • European Union started to show more interest into illegal organ trade on 2006 when few MEPs raised a question in European Parliament about Chinese Communist Party’s Organ Harvesting 2006. There was a good base for suspicion about the Chinese regime’s “organ harvesting,” the name for the fatal removal and sale of organs from death row prisoners and from Falun Gong practitioners held for their beliefs.
  • Source: Barnaby Phillips

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