Sunday, February 1, 2009



Vandals attack Venezuela synagogue in 'worst ever' attack on Jewish community
CARACAS- An armed group vandalized Caracas' oldest synagogue, shattering religious objects and spray-painting walls in what Jewish leaders called the worst attack ever on their community in Venezuela.
Two security guards were overpowered by about 15 people who ransacked the
synagogue's sanctuary and offices , leaving graffiti such as: We don't want murderers, and Jews, get out.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro condemned the attack and promised it would be investigated, while reiterating his government's opposition to what he called Israel's criminal government.
"We respect the Jewish people, but we ask respect for the people of Palestine and their right to life," Maduro said in a ceremony called to welcome home two Venezuelan diplomats expelled from Israel this week.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry ordered the envoys to leave after Venezuela expelled all Israeli diplomats on January 6th, to protest Israel's offensive in the Gaza strip. President Hugo Chavez labeled Israeli leaders as genocidal.
Nearly 1,300 Palestinians died in the 22-day offensive in Gaza.
Leaders of Venezuela's estimated 15,000-member Jewish community warned that vocal denunciations of Israel by Chavez and the country's government-funded news media may have encouraged Friday's attack.
"These declarations permeate society," said Abraham Levy, president of the Venezuelan Confederation of Israelite Associations.
The incident forced the synagogue to cancel Saturday's worship service.
Source: AP

1 comment:

  1. Joshua,
    Whoever and wherever you are..Thanks for visiting and commenting. You are always welcome.
    However, hold your horse. Don't get excited so easily.It is bad for your heart.Relax ! !
    Whatever written here, is just a news. Nothing personal.
    Initially, most people don't hate Jews. It is the Israel Zionist Government they despise for killing the Gazans' helpless Women and Children.
    But then again, it will be Que Sera Sera isn't?
    Joshua said ...
    you and all other antisemites. It's people like you and Hugo Chavez who made this possible. Your concern for Jews is just crocodile tears...
