Sunday, February 1, 2009



A senior Islamic Hamas movement official said Saturday that his movement would accept an inter-Palestinian reconciliation based on preserving "the resistance and its arms." A pro-Hamas website quoted Hamas representative in Lebanon Osamal Hamdan as saying that "Hamas wants a real reconciliation that preserves the Palestinian people's rights and not just an emotional reconciliation."
He called on President Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to stop security coordination with Israel and free 800 Hamas members jailed in West Bank prisons in order to reach reconciliation.
"We are ready to launch a national dialogue based on adopting the choice of armed resistance as a strategic choice that gives the people their legitimate rights of Jihad (holy war) and sacrifice," said Hamdan.
Senior Hamas leaders in Gaza Strip are still hiding since Israel launched a military assault on the strip on Dec. 27 and ended on Jan. 18. Hamas leaders in Lebanon and Syria were the only senior leaders who were giving statements to explain Hamas position during the Israeli military offensive.
Meanwhile, Hamas movement rejected the international Quartet envoy Toni Blair's call for Hamas to join the Middle East peace process by recognizing Israel and condemning violence.
The movement said in a written leaflet that Blair "is again returning back to the old scenario," adding "the attempt to join Hamas with the peace process is just another failed attempt."

1 comment:

  1. I would never trust the Hamas leadership. How many times have they broken a cease fire/ And then blamed it on Israel/
