Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim
SHAH ALAM-Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, asked if Wong would be asked for her resignation, said the state government would look into all aspects of the incident before making a decision on the matter.
“Let the police report go through (it) and then we will have our own discussion on the issue,” said Khalid.
The case started when indecent photographs of the 37-year-old PKR Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong were sent to select newspapers, prompting her to lodge a police report and proffer her resignation, which party leaders have declined to accept.
She says the photographs, including some of her asleep, were taken without her consent.disclosure that she slammed as a plot to discredit her party.
The People's Justice Party, however, told 37-year-old Elizabeth Wong to go on extended leave, and said it will decide later whether to accept her resignation from the central Selangor state assembly.
Chew Mei Fun, Wanita MCA chief empathises with Wong, "We are outraged by such shameful acts of using women as sexual objects - it is an outright invasion of the privacy of women as well as exploitation of women for political use.
We condemn the actions, firstly because the taking of photographs of body parts without their consent or knowledge is against the law and punishable under the Penal Code (Act 574)".
According to Noraini Ahmad, Deputy Human Resources Minister, regardless of (who it is), we have to have respect their privacy and it has to be protected. We should also educate society to refrain from invading people’s privacy.
Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister in Prime Minister’s Department said, "I sympathise with the executive councillor, this thing should have not happened as she the people’s representative and she had been performing her duties.
Therefore, to foil what she has done for the community in this manner is not good. But I hope her spirits (remain strong) and she will not bother about what has happened".
Teresa Kok, Seputeh MP and Kinrara assemblyperson
said "Why should she resign? Our job is to serve to people. It is not similar to the sex scandal involving (former Health Minister Dr) Chua Soi Lek because he is a married man and he was engaged in something that was morally wrong".
Source: The Independent


  1. Salam bro,

    Sebenarnya isu ni memang 100% peribadi cuma Sumandk tak paham ada sesetangahnya pula menuding tanpa bukti kat satu pihak dengan lantang... ni ape kes...

    Lagi pun kes ni dalam siasatan POLIS... kita serahkan je la kat mereka jan suka ati lak buat spekulasi hingga memenatkan otak rakyat tuk berfikir....

  2. Sumandak Bayu,
    Salam kembali,
    Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu. Namun, banyak juga yang lebih berminat untuk mewar-warkan berita negatif semata-mata untuk menjatuhkan YB. Ms wong kerana beliau dari golongan party pembangkang.
    Saya pandang kes ini dari sudut simpati, sedih pun ada. 'Political is Not Everything'.
    Kes peribadi semacam ini boleh berlaku pada setiap wanita.Cuma bentuk senario nya mungkin agak berbeza.
    However, kerana kes ini telah berlaku. Justru itu, terpulang lah pada pendapat masing-masing untuk menginterpretasikan nya.
    Thanks kerana melawat dan bagi komen.
