Monday, January 19, 2009


KUWAIT CITYThe Saudi king says his country will donate 1 $billion to help rebuild the Palestinian territory.
However, Israel intends to exert control over the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip following its 22-day offensive, and is seeking guarantees that no projects will benefit Hamas, Western diplomats said on Monday.
Israel, which declared a unilateral ceasefire on Sunday, retains full control over Gaza's commercial crossings, through which goods and other materials for rebuilding must pass.
Israel decided that it has enormous power to shape the recovery effort, which will be largely financed by the international community. Preliminary estimates put the damage at nearly $2 billion.
Western diplomats, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said Israel has asked the United Nations and other aid groups to provide a detailed list of goods, equipment and personnel that they want to bring into the Gaza Strip, both to meet immediate needs and for rebuilding.
U.N. officials declined to comment on Israel's request. As a policy, the world body does not talk directly to Hamas except at the working level to facilitate its aid activities in Gaza.
UN secretary General Ban Ki-moon also said that Arab unity was crucial so that the three-week Gaza conflict will not to be repeated in the future.
"I call on all Arab leaders to unite and support this endeavor. We cannot rebuild Gaza without Palestinian unity".
Meanwhile, Israel has said it could sharply increase the flow of food and medicine to Gaza if the ceasefire holds, but it has ruled out fully lifting the blockade until Hamas and its allies release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured in 2006.
Source: Reuters


  1. I am astounded by the hardheartedness of the Israelis.

    Hamas, if they want to take the moral high ground, must not allow themselves to play the Israeli hand of unreasonable hardline thinking.

    The UN is on the side of the Palestinians -- let that be the start of a new beginning.

    I guess for this case, we need to wait and see how it turns out in near future.
    As for now, let them gracefully recouped from the trauma and sort out their multiple problems in hands.
    Like you said, UN is on their side. In fact Arabs, Asian, some EU and some decent Americans are also sympathizing their course.
    I hope Barack Obama will consider a form of understanding relating to their suffering.
    One way or another, thanks for your comments.

  3. Ted,

    I'm sorry but I didn't quite get what you were trying to say:

    "the questions are WHEN and HOW that interdiction will transpire — that is, if the USA is to continue as the Constitutional Republic that now exists."

    Are you saying that Obama has no right to be president or something like that?????

  4. Solymone,

    My pleasure!
