Monday, January 19, 2009



GAZA-Hamas has declared victory over Israel claiming it lost just 48 fighters during the 22-day onslaught in Gaza.
A masked gunman from the Islamic group's armed wing vowed the groups would rearm as its leaders proclaimed it had achieved a holy victory in the confrontation.
"We announce to our people the martyrdom of 48 Qassam fighters," Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades said.
The frontman, whose face was wrapped in an Arab Keffiyah scarf, dismissed Israeli attempts to stop weapons smuggling into Gaza, a declared aim of the war.
"Do whatever you want. Manufacturing the holy weapons is our mission and we know how to acquire weapons," Hamas's military spokesman Abu Ubaida told journalists at a news conference in Gaza.
"That is to be expected," said Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev. "We have no deal with Hamas, and we have no illusions about Hamas."
The prime minister's spokesman expressed confidence that the "international arms embargo" put into place Sunday by European leaders at the summit hosted by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Sharm el-Sheikh would prevent the group from rearming. "Iranian weapons have to reach the Gaza Strip," Regev said. "We have reason to believe that this is going to work."
Source: Agencies


  1. I never approved of the disproportionate Israeli onslaught on the people of Gaza because int the scheme of things, I cannot see how their violence were merely as directed Hamas.

    That said, I see no victory either for Hamas or for Israel. I only see losers and victims in Gaza.

    This cease fire is like some mana from heaven.

    I suggest Hamas start the dialogue to win international support. They cannot indulge in a protracted war for all eternity. Children get killed, women get killed, families get decimated. If they want to win the war (tactically and of world court opinion), it is time they take the moral high ground.

    Thanks again for your comments. As usual I always welcome a reasonable comments like yours. Actually, either it is personal or professional make no different to me as long they are fair and make senses.
    In regards with your honest views or feeling toward the whole situations, I have to convey a merit of understanding and agreement. There is no point to prove as to who win or loss at the expense of children being slaughtered in between,
    Personally, I don’t know so much about this Hamas as a political group. All I knew they are Palestinian.
    However, I learned that they were elected democratically to represent people of Gaza or so.
    That means, they should be treated as one by the world communities. Unfortunately they were not given that privilege. Instead they were treated as a terrorists or common criminals.
    As to why this phenomena occurred, I guess everyone entitled too their own views. Which I don’t want to elaborate. Let those Arabs and Israeli sort it out.
    Like you said, it is time they take the moral high ground or turn a new leaf?
    At last but not least, let me end with a saying “each drop of blood of Israeli or the Palestinian is more valuable than all the money in the world.”

  3. Solymone,

    Re: "That means, they should be treated as one by the world communities. Unfortunately they were not given that privilege. Instead they were treated as a terrorists or common criminals."

    Absolutely agree with your take there.

    It is the height of injustice! And I fully understand why the Hamas took it upon themselves to fight -- it is human nature for the oppressed to fight back when all other decent avenues have failed.

    The real culprit in this is Bush when he refused to recognize the democratic election of the Hamas. So what was Hamas to do? I understand where they are coming from but I believe this is why the international community is virtually solid behind the people of Gaza. This is why I believe Hamas has all the chances of winning in the court of world opinion if only they do not stoop to the level of the Israelis.
