Friday, December 26, 2008


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is spreading its wings and intend to become the Pentagon's (US defense nerve centre) main and most powerful military formation in the world.
The US intend to diminish the use of its troops from world wide engagements - reduce does not mean no engagements at all. This conference will depict the true nature of the NATO and most importantly what will the Muslim world do to counter such an offensive that will target them in general!

The conference will be about the NATO and its presence in the Muslim world but it will also be about what the NATO intend to become with its massive campaign to rally all the ex-Warsaw treaty members into its folds.
In Afghanistan, Pakistan and now in the waters of Somalia, all kinds of excuses are being found to keep NATO troops on the offensive, attacking innocent Muslims in most cases and killing families, men with their wives, daughters of all ages including babies.
The question is: What is the role of the NATO in our Muslim lands and why do the NATO want to expand and enlist all the European nations under one military roof? Is it heading for global dominance? Is there a dictatorship behind the edging of the NATO into an unholy alliance against weak nations and against the two other military GIANTS, China and Russia?
In a first, a historic one too, is organizing a conference on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to mark its 60th Anniversary. The conference will be held in Malaysia where the venue is yet to be specified but talks are on with the University Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) or the International Islamic University for the venue of the conference.
The conference titled NATO Versus The Muslims World will most probably be held on the 4th of April, the very day NATO was formed 60 years ago.
WorldFutures intend to invite at least 500 guests and delegates who would participate in debates on the role of NATO, a redundant military organization, in the Muslim world. Several professors and dignitaries from Malaysian and from abroad are being vetted to participate as speakers during the conference.
source :

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