Four people were murdered in a drive-by terrorist shooting attack, including Rabbi Yonatan Sandler HY”D, 30, a resident of Yerushalayim on shlichus in France.
Also killed in the attack were Sandler’s children Aryeh (3) and Gavriel Yissacher (6) as well as a daughter of principal, Miriam Monsonego (8) HY”D.
- Yonatan was born in Paris and arrived in Toulouse in southern France a number of months ago in the framework of his commitment to kiruv under the auspices of the Wolfson Fund. He too attended the talmid torah in his youth, continuing his studies
in Bayit Vegan’s Beit Halevy Yeshiva.
- After he was married he set up his home in Har Nof and learned in the Zichron Shimon kollel which is funded by the Wolfson Fund. The avreichim in the kollel are trained to move to the Diaspora to spread yiddishkheit in kehillos outside of Israel.

Rav Aaron explains that in the weeks prior to returning to France the niftar spoke of the emotions associated with returning to the school where he too began his journey, but this time, as a rav responsible for impacting others. Rav Aaron explains that Rabbi Yonatan Sandler (left photo) was quite committed, yet determined to return home to Eretz Yisrael after two years in France to continue learning.
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