Vice President Jejomar Binay said, the views of all sectors and groups are encouraged to participate in the decision-making.
His office is "collating the opinions of various groups on the issue, said Binay, adding he has until next month to make a recommendation to President Benigno Aquino. So far only 3,000 Filipinos worldwide have responded to a survey on the issue, Binay said
- Earlier, Aquino asked Binay to handle the issue, adding he could not make a decision on the proposal of the Marcos family.
- "He doesn't want to be accused of bias. His family was a victim of the Marcos regime and to render a decision (on Marcos burial as a hero) would be easily done by him. But he wants to tell the public that ‘I am holding my judgment and passing it on to the vice-president because I don't want to appear to be biased in the,'" said spokesman Edwin Lacierda.
In 1983, Aquino's father, former Senator Benigno Aquino was shot by Marcos aides at the foot of a service stairway of the China Airlines plane, at the international airport when the former arrived from exile in the US.
- Marcos death sparked a strong anti-Marcos sentiment. A people-backed military mutiny ousted Marcos and propped to power Mrs. Corazon Aquino to the presidency in 1986. Mrs. Aquino openly said then that Marcos had ordered the killing of her husband.

At the time, the Marcoses were barred from bringing the remains of the former strongman in Manila. Instead, they were kept in a family-owned mausoleum, now a tourist attraction in northern Luzon.

A survey done by private Social Weather Stations from March 4 to 7 showed that 50 percent have agreed and 49 percent disagreed with the burial of Marcos as a hero.
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