
Tougher rules will be enforced from Wednesday on clauses governing English Language ability, the period a student is permitted to work and on entry of dependants.
“Malaysia is not the country we are targeting as you have been sending us good students.
“We approved 98% of your student visa applications because they followed the guidelines,” he told The Star.
Source: mStar
- Fees for international student visas are also being increased from £145 (RM913) to £199 (RM1253).
- Britain introduced its points-based visa system last March to prevent the entry of bogus students and to crack down on illegitimate institutions operating there.
- A MINIMUM English Language requirement equivalent to B1 under CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) or a score of 4.5 under IELTS (International English Language Testing System) for students pursuing courses below degree level (excluding foundation degree courses);
- HALVING the amount of time a student pursuing below first degree-level course (except for foundation degree course) can work to 10 hours during term time;
- RESTRICTING lowest-level courses (A-levels and equivalent) to only “most trusted institutions” and
- BANNING dependants of students pursuing non-foundation or below undergraduate degree courses from working.
“Malaysia is not the country we are targeting as you have been sending us good students.
“We approved 98% of your student visa applications because they followed the guidelines,” he told The Star.
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