Jakarta, INDONESIA: About 30 Indonesian students pelted the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta with rotten eggs and attempted to raise an Indonesian flag at the gate on Tuesday.
Source: mStar
- The attack, believed spurred by allegations that the Malaysian national anthem Negara Ku had been copied from the Indonesian song Terang Bulan, came a day after Malaysia celebrated its 52nd National Day.
- The Indonesian flag was raised from the embassy gate after a tug-of-war between police and students.
- The attack was also reportedly triggered by allegations that a Balinese dance had been used to promote a television show about Malaysia, although it was revealed that no Malaysian government agency had a role in the advertisement.
- An embassy official in Jakarta told The Star that nobody was hurt in the incident but added that there have been regular demonstrations at the Embassy over the last few months, especially during the Ambalat issue.
- That issue came up after Indonesia claimed that Malaysian warships had entered the Ambalat area in the Sulawesi sea in early June.
- “The still ongoing demonstration here is being heavily monitored by the police, but no demonstrators have been stopped or arrested,” said the embassy official.
- He said that everything was under control at the embassy, adding that the demonstration would not affect ties between the two countries.
- Local media quoted a demonstrator as saying that the protest was a symbolic act to demand that the Indonesian government break off diplomatic ties with Malaysia and evict the Malaysian ambassador.
Thursday, 10 September, 2009
I think many Indonesians have been misled by the media. There are a few cases that have been highlighted but unfortunately been exaggerated by irresponsible media. maybe to move the focus of Indonesia's own internal problems??
Maid problems will always arise. As long as thousands of Indonesians travel overseas to work as maids, some sort of problems will occur unfortunately. But does the media tell us the truth about Indonesians maids being abused in the Arab countries?? With regards to the 'Pendet', please get the facts correct.. it was a mistake by Discovery Channel based in Singapore that featured the 'Pendet' and they have formally apologised for their mistake. Was this announced to Indonesians? We both live within the same geographical area thus the language, culture, food, clothes, taboo and many other humanly things will have similarities. The Malay language was a Lingua Franca of the region hundreds of years ago when the area was known to the outside world the Malay Archipelago.... or should this be Indo Archipelago?? Scotland calls the 'Bagpipe' as a scottish icon....the wholeworld thinks bagpipes are Scottish but in actual fact it was invented by the Jordanians..... they don't make such a fuss. Malaysia has a population of around 25million, too small compared to Indonesia. Yet Indonesian make up to more than 3 million.... well, legally around a few hundred thousand only, the rest is illegal, which means they don't pay taxes yet use Govt services like Hospitals and Schools. Our jails and prisons are full of non-Malaysians, including lots of Indonesians. We do not look down on Indonesians as the media is potraying to you guys, infact we need Indonesians in Malaysia for us to run smoothly.
Kaya? Lebih ramai lagi rakyat Indonesia yang kaya raya dan maju dan berpelajaran. Bezanya di Malaysia, kekayaan dan peluang pelajaran, peluang bisnes diagihkan lebih meluas dan sama rata kepada rakyat jelata dan tidak hanya untuk orang yang berkedudukan, berkelompok sehingga taraf hidup antara yang terbaik dan terburuk jauh beza sekali. malaysia bermajoritikan 'Middle-Class'. Saya tak tahu berapa banyak yg membaca blog ini tapi orang 'Middle-Class' selalunya berfikiran rasional. kalau orang Malaysia berfikiran seperti orang Indonesia, sudah lama Singapura di ganyang juga... tetapi apa faedahnya bergaduh dengan jiran tetangga? Bukannya mereka akan berpindah sama sekali? Fikir......
A Concerned Neighbour
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