Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Recently, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim questioned the sincerity of the Malaysian Prime Minister in announcing a new merit-based scholarship programme obviously aimed at winning back Chinese voter support from People coalition (PR).
  • “Last time, when I said it, I was called a Chinese agent. Now that Najib has said it what are you going to call him? Is he now a Chinese agent and traitor to the Malays?” said Anwar sarcastically when asked today about the new scholarships to be based purely on merit.
  • The Opposition Leader has been frequently labelled a “traitor” and “Chinese agent” by Umno leaders since he launched PR’s reform agenda.
  • Anwar’s PR has successfully used its supremacy of the people, slogan to differentiate itself from Umno’s supremacy of the Malays, rallying cry which has caused concern even among non-Malay Barisan Nasional (BN) parties.
  • But Najib, in a speech to Chinese political and community leaders, pledged to set up a new “National Scholarship” based entirely on merit, and also indicated his administration’s willingness to eventually drop the racial quotas in more sectors of the economy.
  • The prime minister’s remarks suggest a concerted effort is finally being made to hijack PR’s more multi-racial platform.
  • Najib’s pledges on reform seem to also suggest that he believes he can control the potential backlash from Malays while wanting to convince the non-Malays that, even if they have misgivings about Umno and BN, they should have faith in him.
  • Anwar appeared to acknowledge the threat from Najib today, and claimed the prime minister had only partially adopted the opposition’s agenda but failed to emphasise on protection for the poor.
  • “When we proposed something, it has to help people regardless of race but at the same time we will protect the poor, that is our approach,” he added.
Source: The Malaysian Insider, Suara Keadilan, Adib Zalkapli

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    Campaigning near a polling place is a tricky endeavor that should be thoroughly researched before you try. While everyone has the right of free speech, one also has the right to cast a vote without harassment. All fifty states have some form of law in place regarding this issue, so check yours thoroughly before moving on.

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    Civic Gathering Gather a group of like minded individuals. Dress each person in a t-shirt advertising your candidate of choice.
    Locate your group at least 100 feet from a polling place. Allow your clothing to do the campaigning for you. Make sure no one engages any potential voters in conversation. Be sure all walkways, paths and driveways are open and not restricted in any way by anyone in the group.Any signs you place illegally will make you guilty of electioneering.

    Most of the tasks are now handled by paid professionals rather than by volunteers or amateurs. Most candidates will hire a political consultant, a person whose job it is to devise an effective campaign strategy, plan for any media appearances by the candidate, train the candidate for debates and speaking engagements, and generally help to build the overall image of the candidate.

    Sometimes the campaign will also conduct “opposition research” in order to discover any information about an opposing candidate that may be unfavorable to that candidate’s image among undecided voters. This often results in a barrage of negative campaign advertisements in the last two or three weeks before Election Day. Although many people complain about such ads, research by political scientists has shown that these ads can often be quite effective if they are properly timed and at least somewhat based on actual facts.

    We then identify the local, state and national media vehicles best positioned for distributing the message. The next step involves writing, designing, shooting animation and producing the best pieces to increase your candidate’s name recognition and issue positions, while defining the opposition’s platform and fending off negative attacks.

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    * Get out the Vote Calling

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