Thursday, July 2, 2009


A former CIA chief has been charged in a Washington court with sexually assaulting a woman while working for the agency in Algeria.
  • On Tuesday, the District's federal court heard Andrew Warren's defense before issuing the indictment for the indecency the former station chief had allegedly carried out last year, The Washington Post reported.
  • Warren was returned to the US after allegations by the media and one of the reported victims who had accused him of having invited her into his residence in Algeria's capital, Algiers before offering her spiked alcoholic drinks and subjecting her to the abuse.
  • Investigations into the allegations had also lead to a lawsuit that blamed the 41-year-old for two cases of drug-aided physical violation.
  • Warren has personally acknowledged the deed and faces the possibility of a life imprisonment.
  • Search warrants had also lead to discovery of video materials featuring Warren during intimacy as well as taking Valium and Xanax pills.
Courtesy: Press TV


  1. Tuan Engineer Solymone, Sex, Money dan Kuasa (politik, institusi, perfileman etc) memang liat dipisahkan kalo kurang iman. Tak silap saya tuan ada post mengenai sex di kongregasi institusi Evangelist di India yang membongkar perlakuan sex di sana. Ini kali CIA. Perisikpun boleh kena risik juga ya? Itulah kurang atau lemah "iman". Aramaitipun boleh jadi begini!

  2. Senjaliza,
    Saya setuju bahawa "Sex, Money dan Kuasa (politik, institusi, perfileman etc) " liable to occurrence of sex scandal.

    Tetapi Aramai Ti? tidak lah rasa nya, kerana istillah 'Aramai Ti' yang saya tahu, cuma diaplikasikan oleh orang-0rang yang tertekan oleh keadaan hidup di persekitaran; sebagai 'Outlet' .

    kerana kebanyakan mereka yang terlibat dalam acara 'Aramai Ti' ini orang susah.
    Justru itu, tiada kuasa untuk mengekploitasikan kes-kes berat saperti yang di lakukan oleh CIA Chief dan kongregasi institusi Evangelist di India tersebut.

    However, itu cuma pendapat saya.

    Salam dan teruskan menulis dan memberi komen yang saya suka atau pun tidak..
