Monday, January 26, 2009



Madagascar's state TV station burns, left background, in the capital Antananarivo
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar -- Thousands of demonstrators demanding a new government in Madagascar took to the streets Monday and set the country's state TV complex on fire to protest the apparent shutdown of the opposition's radio station.
Witnesses said protesters also set fire to an oil depot and a private TV station linked to the president. Opposition leader Andry Rajoelina said two protesters were killed, but did not give details and there was no immediate confirmation.
President Marc Ravalomanana's office accused Rajoelina of promoting the government's overthrow and declared the government would act decisively to "restore order" on this Indian Ocean island off Africa's southeast coast. The opposition radio station went off the air soon after.
Protesters poured into the streets of the capital, and a five-story state TV building downtown was razed and looted. Chairs, door frames and steel girders were stolen. One man walked away with a fan in his hand and his cell phone to his ear. Later, smoke billowed from a second building in the state TV complex.
Police and firefighters were nowhere to be seen and did not respond to phone calls, leading to speculation they supported the protest.
Rajoelina, who is also the mayor of Antananarivo, has accused the government of misspending public funds and threatening democracy. He has called for Ravalomanana to step down and declared himself ready to take over leadership.
Source: AP

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