Monday, January 26, 2009


By David Ben-Ariel
Why should Jews blame others when they are their own worst enemy?

Israel's betrayal of the Jews would be a more appropriate speech for Wolf Biermann or some other brave soul.
Where else but in Israel could thousands of Jews be forcibly removed from their homes and their property and businesses looted by Nazi-Muslims with covert world approval?
Where else but in Israel could Jewish holy sites be utterly vandalized, destroyed and occupied by Nazi-Muslims like Joseph's Tomb?
Where else but in Israel would Jews be violently forbidden to pray or read the Bible at a holy site, even Judaism's most holy site - the Temple Mount - with successive governments rewarding terrorist threats and punishing innocent Jews against both secular and religious law?
Why the woeful neglect and abominable apathy of Jews and Israelis that enables such deplorable conditions to continue?
When will Israelis reopen the Rabin murder file and expose what is increasingly apparent to many: the Israeli oligarchy, undoubtedly under German-Jesuit orders, ordered the Shabak hit on Yitzhak Rabin? It's a known fact that Yigal Amir worked for Shabak, that Avishai Raviv, "Champagne," was a government agent provocateur and that Yitzhak Rabin entered his limousine unharmed.... Truly, Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body.
Yes, let Jews and Israelis examine Israel's betrayal of the Jews before it's too late and Jerusalem suffers under EU occupation.
For Zion's sake..(READ FULL ARTICLE)
Source: Ezine Articles

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