Monday, October 24, 2016

Nasi Vanggey Swamped After Malaysian PM’s Mention?

IPOH,Perak, Malaysia — Barely a day after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak praised Nasi Vanggey in his Budget 2017 speech for its affordable prices, the outlet was swamped with people.
The restaurant is not only famous for its affordable nasi kandar, but also because of its uniqueness as it is an Indian-Muslim shop operating in a Chinese restaurant in Jalan Yang Kalsom, here. 
Hankering customers can be seen queuing up along the corridor to the family-owned restaurant as early as 10am yesterday. 
  • The outlet was packed with customers who were seen standing beside tables in order to reserve a spot. 
  • One of the restaurant’s owners, Mohamed Nihmathullah Syed Mustafa, 53, said he was thrilled that Najib mentioned his restaurant and pointed out that this was the second time the prime minister had spoken of it. 
  • “He spoke about our restaurant in his Merdeka message. We were invited for the function. We met and chatted with him,” he said. 
  • “We are overwhelmed with his continued support. We usually have lots of customers queuing up for our delicacy, but the line is even longer today.” 
  • Mohamed also said the announcement made by the prime minister was a promotion for the stall as it would attract tourists who would be arriving for the Visit Perak 2017 year, adding the price of nasi kandar would be maintained at RM4.80 for a plate of rice, chicken and vegetable.
“Even though our food is cheap, it does not affect our business as we have lots of customers. That is the reason why we choose to maintain our price. 
“We can’t earn much if we only manage to sell a few plates of nasi kandar, but we can make a profit by selling many with the same price. It’s simple logic,” he said. 

Source: The Malay mail Online

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