Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sarawak Elections A Rude Wake Up Call For Opposition DAP

THE big screens set up outside state Democratic Action party(DAP)’s Kuching headquarters flickered to life shortly after the tallying of votes began. 
There was an upbeat mood as supporters trickled in to watch the live updates of the vote count for the Sarawak election. It did not take long for them to realise the evening would end on an unhappy note for DAP. 
There were only about a dozen people left at about 9pm when Barisan Nasional secured a simple majority and state DAP chief Chong Chien Jen(photo) conceded defeat.
Chong looked deflated and exhausted. He did not have much to say and the press conference wrapped up after 20 minutes. 
  • The party won only seven of the 31 seats it contested. In the 2011 election, it contested 15 seats and won 12. 
It was a devastating outcome for this ultra ambitious party. 
There was a clear Chinese swing back to Barisan given the way Chinese seats fell to Team Adenan. 
DAP lost to Barisan even in Repok, where Chinese formed 75 per cent of the voters. 
Source: Asia One...More...

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