Saturday, April 2, 2016

Women who Get Illegal Abortions Should Be Punished-Trump?

Bigmouth billionaire Donald Trump reached a new low managing to offend women, pro-choice and pro-life groups with an abrasive comment about criminalizing those who choose to have an abortion. 
If abortion were illegal, “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have one, the GOP presidential candidate told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews after he was given the hypothetical question. 
“You have to ban,” Trump said after a heated exchange with Matthews, who pressed him on what form the punishment would take. 
He noted that if abortion were barred, women could still go to “illegal places” to have one. 
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places, but we have to ban it,” Trump said. 
“I haven’t determined what the punishment should be,” Trump said during the MSNBC taping of a town hall in Green Bay, Wis., that aired Wednesday night. 
“I am pro-life,” declared Trump, who has also frequently claimed on the campaign trail to “cherish” women.

Source:NY Daily...More...

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