Monday, February 29, 2016

Malaysia's Mahathir Quits Ruling Party, UMNO?

Former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad announced Monday he was quitting the ruling party, saying it had degenerated into an organisation whose sole purpose was to protect scandal-plagued Prime Minister Najib Razak.
However, according to  Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Salleh Said Keruak, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made the right move by resigning from Umno.
He described it as the best option that Dr Mahathir could take “since his relationship with Umno or its leader is no longer tenable.”
  • In his latest post on his blog today, he said: “Dr Mahathir’s actions are hurting the party and for him to remain in the party while at the same time going against the party does not seem logical.
  • “If Dr Mahathir wants to continue to attack Umno then he should do so outside of Umno. That would be the noble and ethical thing to do.”
  • He noted that this was the third time Dr Mahathir had left Umno.
  • The first time was when he was sacked by then party president Tunku Abdul Rahman. He quit Umno in 2008 when Tun Abdullah Badawi was at the helm.
  • Mohd Salleh said he was saddened by this episode not so much because Dr Mahathir has yet again left Umno but because of the circumstances of his resignation.
No one can deny that Dr Mahathir did a lot for the country in his 22 years as Prime Minister “although his term of office was not entirely free of blemish.”
“But the events over the last year and his resignation today will be remembered more than the good he has done".

Source: AFP, Bernama

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