Wednesday, December 9, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Umno Youth has called on the government and party leadership to stop price hikes in light of the increasing cost of living.
The wing's chief Khairy Jamaluddin in his policy speech said the people can no longer afford price hikes and warned that the continuous increase would "fan the flames of anger" among the people.
"We understand the need for these measures, but at the same time, when the people are laden with pressure from the rising cost of living, we can no longer stay silent.
"We are not asking for the abolishment of all and sundry, but Umno Youth wants to send this message to the party leadership and the government: enough! "Stop these price hikes, no more increases," said Khairy to the roaring applause of nearly 1,000 delegates in Tun Dr Ismail Hall at Putra World Trade Centre here, today.
Khairy also reiterated the movement's stand on the increase of toll prices, and told the government to spare the rates on intercity highways such as the North-South Highway and the East Coast Expressway.
He said Umno Youth rejected any further increase in toll prices for highways. "As Umno Youth chief, I reminded the Cabinet about the Barisan Nasional pledge. If toll prices need to be raised, spare the intercity highways.
  • That was our promise. "And today I reiterate again, Umno Youth rejects any further increase in toll for these two intercity highways or any other highways for that matter.
  • "He hoped that in the next two years, through all the savings made through the collection of the Goods and Services Tax, subsidy rationalisation, increase in tariffs, fares and tolls, the movement would hear".
"good news that will put the people at ease.
It is time that we use all the savings which we obtained through these painful measures, to give something back to them. 
"Show that these rationalization measures can bring good to them," he added.

Source: NST

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