Sunday, November 15, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -  Facebook has removed the page of infamous sex blogger Alvin Tan, just days after he allegedly insulted Muslims by showing a series of pictures of him using a page of the Quran as toilet paper.
Checks on his Facebook account reveal the message “Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.”
Tan switched to his Twitter account @AlvinTanYOLO to further ‘express his thoughts’, at the same time promoting his debut porn video and retweeting posts by his supporters.
The 26-year old’s latest attempt at publicity saw him posting pictures of himself defecating while apparently reading the Quran and using a page of the book to ‘clean up’.
Malaysians, both Muslims and non-Muslims, were outraged at the posting, with many slamming Tan for going overboard in his insults against Islam.
Social groups have called on the public not to generate more publicity for Tan as it may help his bid for political asylum in the US, in the case that he is threatened.
Many Malaysian shared the post, asking others to report his Facebook page to be removed, with some warning they would lodge police reports.
  • Five police reports were lodged against Tan on Friday in Johor after his latest post, Bernama reported.
  • Several other previous postings had also outraged Malaysians, including a video of him singing a cover of the Azan.
Tan became infamous after he and his former partner Vivian Lee, 25, uploaded a photograph of them on Facebook deemed insulting to Islam in 2013.
The former couple are facing criminal charges under Malaysia's Sedition Act as well as the Film Censorship Act for their controversial uploads.

Source: New Straits Times

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