Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Political parties and their supporters swung into action yesterday, after President Tony Tan Keng Yam dissolved Parliament and news followed that the general election would be held on Sept 11.
At People's Action Party (PAP) branches and opposition party offices across the island, activists finalised their candidate line-ups and worked to ensure that campaign flags, posters and, especially, nomination papers would be in order.
Nomination Day will be next Tuesday, Sept 1, with the minimum of nine days to campaign before Cooling-off Day on Sept 10. Polling Day will be a public holiday.
It is the first time since 1997 that a general election will be held on a weekday. Some PAP activists said holding the polls on Sept 12 would have clashed with community events planned for the last day of the Chinese Seventh Month.
Opposition parties have resolved remaining differences and are set to go into straight fights with the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) at the next general election.
This follows announcements yesterday by the National Solidarity Party (NSP) and Singaporeans First party (SingFirst) to withdraw from areas other opposition parties have also staked claims to.

Source: AsiaOne

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