Thursday, August 27, 2015


MONETA, Va, U.S.A. — A television reporter and cameraman were shot to death on live television Wednesday in Virginia by a gunman authorities described as a disgruntled station employee. 
A second video of the shooting, apparently recorded by the killer, was posted on social media even as police tried to locate the suspect.
Reporter Alison Parker was interviewing an economic development official about local tourism as eight shots rang out. She screamed, ran and could be heard saying "Oh my God," as she too was shot. Adam Ward's camera captured a fleeting image, including the face, of a man holding a handgun.
WDBJ quickly switched back to a shot of the anchor back at the station, her eyes large and jaw dropping as she said, "OK, not sure what happened there. We will of course let you know as soon as we find out what those sounds were from."
Law enforcement confronted Vester Flanagan on Interstate 66 and Flanagan shot himself, officials tell CNN.

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