Tuesday, July 21, 2015


PETALING JAYA, Malaysia -  Despite what “certain people” were saying about a plan to overthrow Najib Razak, Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that far from it being a covert operation requiring detectives and special agents to investigate, it was “open campaigning” for the prime minister to quit.
In a blog posting yesterday, the former prime minister said, “What we do know now is that I had openly called for his stepping down. No conspiracy. Just open declaration to the whole nation that I would like to see Najib cease to be prime minister.”
He also commented on the “funny statements” coming out of the country’s mainstream media, in particular Utusan Malaysia, that he said was all too happy to proclaim that Najib had “taken action” against The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for alleging that USD700 million of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds had been deposited into his private bank accounts.
Mocking it as far from “legal action or suing for defamation” on Najib’s part, Mahathir said it was more a case of the PM’s lawyers “politely asking” the business daily why they published the article in the first place.
“Is there a need to ask that silly question? Isn’t it obvious that as a newspaper the information obtained by Wall Street Journal was sensational? Any newspaper, convinced of the authenticity of the information would have printed it,” he said, except from local mainstream papers who preferred to “ingratiate” themselves with the PM.
He also remarked at how there has been no denial issued by the PM thus far that the funds had actually been deposited in his private banking accounts.
“The explanation to Umno is that it was for the elections. Umno seems satisfied. Don’t they know that Government money cannot be used to help a political party to win elections? But the money was from donation.Who donated 2 billion 
Ringgit? No answer.”
  • Mahathir also slammed the argument that since Najib was elected by the people, he could not be told to step down.
“How short is their memory. Don’t they remember Abdullah Badawi(photo) who was also elected being asked by Najib to step down. And he did. And I myself, also an elected PM, did step down in 2003,” he said, bringing attention to the fact that Abdullah Badawi won more seats in 2008 than Najib did in 2013.
  • He also said, “If Abdullah was prepared to step down, Najib after his poor performance in the general election should not even offer to be the PM. He should resign from being President of Umno and head of BN and let somebody else lead and become PM.”

Source: The Malaysian Chronicle

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