Monday, July 13, 2015


TAIPEI, Taiwan  – Thousands of gay rights supporters marched through Taipei on Saturday, months ahead of elections that are likely to usher in a pro-gay party and could make Taiwan the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
Protesters waved rainbow flags, lit candles and shouted “gay votes are still votes” as they marched between parliament and the headquarters of Taiwan’s two main political parties.
The recent US Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage has given a renewed push to the movement in Taiwan, where a marriage bill has been held up in parliament ahead of January elections.
  • According to a protester Rafael Tsai, Taiwan society has reached the point of acceptance of gay marriage. Unfortunately, the politicians don’t seem to be on the same level as the people.
  • Taiwan is one of Asia’s most gay-friendly places, boasting a vibrant social scene and little overt discrimination. 
Polls show a majority in favor of gay marriage, and a recent study commissioned by the Ministry of Justice advocated legalization.
There is no formal recognition of same-sex couples, however, and many young people are still reluctant to come out to their parents.
There’s a huge generational split on issue, said Mei Nu Yu; author of the stalled marriage bill.

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