Monday, April 20, 2015


PETALING JAYA, Malaysia - About 50 residents gathered outside a new church in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya today to demand that the cross affixed to the house of worship be removed as it was "challenging Islam", The Star Online reported today.
According to the news portal, the locals demonstrated peacefully during the church service at 10am for the cross to be taken down.
The protesters said the presence of a cross in a Muslim-majority area posed a challenge to the religion and could sway the faith of the youth, The Star Online reported.
However according to Petaling Jaya Selatan MP said Umno was behind the protest The locals who protested outside a church in Taman Medan yesterday were all Umno members from the Petaling Jaya division, PKR lawmaker Hee Loy Sian said yesterday.
The group  demanded that the church's cross be taken down on account of it being a challenge to Islam, news portal Malaysiakini reported.
"The people who protested claimed themselves to be residents but all of them were Umno members," Hee reportedly told a ceramah in Taman Medan last night.
"Who was present? The secretary, the former Petaling Jaya Selatan Umno wanita chief who was also a candidate for the Taman Medan state seat and also other Umno division leaders."
Hee reportedly accused Umno of "inciting" and "intimidating" the church's congregation during yesterday’s protest, which coincided with the church's Sunday service.
The protesters, led by Datuk Abdullah Abu Bakar, reportedly said the presence of a cross in a Muslim-majority area posed a challenge to the religion and could sway the faith of youths. 

Source: The Star, The Malaysia Insider

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