Friday, January 23, 2015


Maclean’s magazine has labelled the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba  the most racist city in Canada. Maclean’s magazine associate editor Nancy Macdonald looks at the arguments for the city being deserving of the title but also why things could be changing. 
Macdonald details conversations she’s had with Aboriginals in the city. One woman says she’s harrassed daily by men on the street offering her money for sex, another educated man says everytime he’s in Walmart security guards watch him leave. 
Some even say they’re not getting fair treatment in hospitals. Winnipeg has the highest Aboriginal population in Canada. 
However, Winnipeg's mayor choked back tears as he began to address the media today about claims by Maclean's magazine that his city is the most racist in Canada.

Source: 680 News, CBC...More...

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